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March Wanderings

A new enchanting song for you 🍀

A fairy with purple hair and green wings sits in a woodland grove surrounded by spring bluebells and sparkles.
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Storyteller out now!! 📖🦋

Music to keep you cozy through the last weeks of winter! ❄️

Storyteller album cover depicting a gothic arch in the midst of a magic forest, with purple roses and giant blue mushrooms
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November Wanderings

I've got some exciting things to share with you this month...

A mushroom circle under the words 'June Westfield'
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June Wanderings (2022)

Happy summer and happy International Fairy Day!! 🌼 This seemed like the perfect time to let you know what I’m currently working on..

A mushroom circle surrounded by sparkles, below the text June Westfield
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May Wanderings (2022)

Hello fellow adventurer! 🧙 I don’t know about you, but I’m loving the spring weather. The garden has begun to come alive with flowers (and some butterflies!🦋) and I’ve been able to write outdoors lately. I've also been out walking in the woods to see what

May Wanderings (2022)