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June Westfield

An ancient forest path lies before you ...

Welcome traveler! I'm June Westfield, a composer inspired by fantasy and nature who uses musical magic to create enchanted worlds for you to explore 🧙‍♀️✨🎵

Be swept away by 12 whimsical tracks capturing scenes from each season


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April Wanderings

It's been a moment since we've spoke, but after a relaxing post-album break last month I'm now back with new music and art to share with you!

Ember video art work featuring a red haired woman in a green and blue cloak holding a bowl of fire and a smith's hammer
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February Wanderings

Let's talk about the new album!!

A wizard stands over a cauldron in the middle of a forest full of purple flowers, twisty tree branches, and flying pixies
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January Wanderings

Travel to an island hidden by enchanted mists, home to dragons of all elements ✨

A girl with red hair stands on a green island cliff holding a spyglass, two dragons circling in the air above