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May Wanderings

Ren faire music and an interview with the hosts of Legends, Loot, & Lore ⚔️

A green fairy crouching in a forest clearing of purple flowers with a gothic arch behind her.
Members Public

April Wanderings

It's been a moment since we've spoke, but after a relaxing post-album break last month I'm now back with new music and art to share with you!

Ember video art work featuring a red haired woman in a green and blue cloak holding a bowl of fire and a smith's hammer
Members Public

April Wanderings

You won't need a pirate's treasure map to obtain this new gem of a song 🦜

A window overlooks a warm ocean and tropical forest. In the foreground is a woobarrel with a candle and treasure.
Members Public

March Wanderings

A new enchanting song for you 🍀

A fairy with purple hair and green wings sits in a woodland grove surrounded by spring bluebells and sparkles.