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June Westfield

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June Wanderings (2022)

Happy summer and happy International Fairy Day!! 🌼 This seemed like the perfect time to let you know what I’m currently working on..

A mushroom circle surrounded by sparkles, below the text June Westfield
Members Public

Unlocked: Lost Garden 🗝🌿

Welcome to the secret garden and thank you so much for joining me for this early access listen!

Lost Garden
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May Wanderings (2022)

Hello fellow adventurer! 🧙 I don’t know about you, but I’m loving the spring weather. The garden has begun to come alive with flowers (and some butterflies!🦋) and I’ve been able to write outdoors lately. I've also been out walking in the woods to see what

May Wanderings (2022)
Members Public

Earth Day 2022

Happy Earth Day! 🌿 Today is all about honoring the earth and raising environmental awareness, and one of the ways we can do this is through creating original art and music celebrating the beauty of nature. I’ve crafted a Spotify playlist of songs inspired by this theme, which you can

Happy Earth Day!