June Westfield
- Website
- Michigan
- 34 Posts
January Wanderings
Think of the wonder of the first delicate flurries of snow, glittering icicles, candles and twinkling lights, and delicious baked treats.

November Wanderings
The overgrown woodland surrounds the solitary Magician's tower lair, enchanted to eternally be hued in autumn splendor...

October Wanderings
Moss terrariums, pumpkin candles, and spooky music = perfect enchanted Halloween vibes 🎃

September Wanderings
You, the brave adventurer, find your way blocked by an enchanted swamp! The mud looks deep and glowing lights and illusion spells tempt you to follow them off your path, but luckily the wizard frog is here to guide you. Will you wade across? 🐸✨

August Wanderings
A lot of the twinkly percussion accents and bubbles you hear, as well as one of the mallet instruments in the chorus, are made from recordings I took of porcelain teacups & saucers

July Wanderings
The mouse knight is the smallest adventurer but one of the bravest! He wields a sword made from the hand of an old clock and wears a cloak made of autumn leaves. Where do you think his journey through the woods will lead him? 🍂

May Wanderings
Ren faire music and an interview with the hosts of Legends, Loot, & Lore ⚔️

April Wanderings
It's been a moment since we've spoke, but after a relaxing post-album break last month I'm now back with new music and art to share with you!